Sunday 7 April 2013

Dazbog Coffee, KG Blend, 12 Ounce

Get the best deal for Dazbog Coffee, KG Blend, 12 Ounce is trending. This cool Coffee, KG Blend, is currently available, you might buy it right now for only $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.

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Purchase Dazbog Coffee, KG Blend, 12 Ounce top item. Top deals is presented for you on Coffee, KG Blend, at Lowest prices. Search for lowest deals.

Product Info

This dark roast is an intense and complex blend of coffees from all growing regions. KG blend is a full-bodied, smoky, pungent coffee with the complexities of great acidity and hearty flavor. It is ideal for the true coffee lover who enjoys a great dark roasted intense flavor that evokes all of the senses in your pallet.


  • Full bodied

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Key: Coffee, KG Blend,, Dazbog Coffee, Blend,

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