Saturday 27 April 2013

Deadman's Reach Ground Coffee 12oz Bag

Best deal for Deadman's Reach Ground Coffee 12oz Bag is trending. This best product is currently available, you can buy it this moment for just $0.00 and usually ships within a day.

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Get Deadman's Reach Ground Coffee 12oz Bag best deal. lowest price available for you on Reach Ground Coffee at Lowest prices. Get for lowest deals.

Item Description

This Raven's Brew cult classic is amazing no matter how it's brewed: drip, French press, or espresso. A high-speed, dark roasted blend with a sweet bite, it produces an outstanding crema and punches through a tall latte with dense coffee flavor. Dark Roast. 12 ounces ground coffee

Strong Feat

User Opinions

Very nice, low acid coffee.

I have been having problems with a coffee that I have drank for years, now becoming to acidic and causing problems. I like this one as it has a nice smokey flavor to it without being heavy on the acid. Guests tell me that it has more caffeine in it then they are use to, but I did not find any issues with the amount of caffeine in the product.

Hands down the best coffee I have ever had!

My brother ordered this and told me that I had to try it. I usually pour a little flavored creamer in my daily coffee but with this coffee I drank it black. It is velvety smooth and has a rich chocolate after taste. It really is a treat! Its worth the price but I would reserve this for when you can really sit back and enjoy your java. I would love to have it every day but with my budget we have to slum it with 8 o'clock coffee most morning. To the people at Raven's Brew...keep it up, this is some amazing coffee!

Rating: 5 2 reviews

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