Friday 21 June 2013

Irish Cream Bailey's Flavored Coffee 1 Pound - Ground

Best offer for Irish Cream Bailey's Flavored Coffee 1 Pound - Ground is becoming hot. This best item is currently available, you could buy it now for only $0.00 and often ships in a single day.

While finding for Lowest Deal you might just not purchase Irish Cream Flavored. Want the Top Deal is very easy when purchasing from online shop. Irish Cream Bailey's Flavored Coffee 1 Pound - Ground which you always want here on this particular page. We can assist you to make easy decision to Lowest Price product number. There is no more place than internet where you found achieve your wanted Irish Cream Flavored at best selling deal when you lookup for this item at online. This particular product sent to your house for no charge with Super Saver Shipping. Purchase The Lowest Price Irish Cream Flavored From This Page.

Buy Irish Cream Bailey's Flavored Coffee 1 Pound - Ground deal. Best deal is presented for you on Irish Cream Flavored at Discounted prices. Search for best deals.

Item Information

Factor Benefits

  • Medium Roast, Medium Acidity and Smooth Body.
  • Roasted and flavored in small batches for better taste.
  • Hard, reusable bag with tin tie.

User Opinions

Pretty Good Coffee
B. Jones

Coffee is not bad, though it only tastes a little bit like Bailey's. I would continue drinking but only if I found a local place that carries or can make it.

Rating: 5 1 reviews

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