Tuesday 7 May 2013

Keurig DECAF Variety Pack including Green Mountain Breakfast Blend DECAF & Timothy's Colombia DECAF -- 2 Boxes...

Get the best deal for Keurig DECAF Variety Pack including Green Mountain Breakfast Blend DECAF & Timothy's Colombia DECAF -- 2 Boxes... is now alive. This awesome item is now available, you may buy it right now for only $0.00 and often ships in a single day.

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Buy Keurig DECAF Variety Pack including Green Mountain Breakfast Blend DECAF & Timothy's Colombia DECAF -- 2 Boxes... top product. lowest price available for you on DECAF Variety Pack at Discounted prices. Find for best prices.

Item Information

Green Mountain Breakfast Blend Decaf is one of our most popular blends. A decaf blend that is bright, sweet, and engaging. We think you'll find this blend to be balanced and smooth. (DP) Fresh from the roaster�.

Timothy's Colombian Decaf: Light Tasting, Smooth, Delicious. A pure Colombian and caffeine free coffee that retains most of its original coffee character. A delicious coffee for those that are watching their caffeine intake.


  • 18 Green Mountain Breakfast Decaf K-Cups
  • 18 Timothy's World Coffee Colombia Decaf K-Cups
  • 2 Boxes of 18 K-Cups -- A Total of 36 K-Cups


love it!
Sara Collins Carlson

I like this coffee! Good price shipped fast and tasty. I would buy this coffee again. Love my keurig too.

Rating: 5 1 reviews

Tags: Keurig DECAF Pack, Keurig Variety Pack, DECAF Variety Pack, Keurig DECAF Variety

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