Wednesday 29 May 2013

Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee, Morning Cafe Ground Coffee, 11-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3)

Get the best deal for Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee, Morning Cafe Ground Coffee, 11-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3) is now alive. This cool Folgers Gourmet Coffee, is now available, you can buy it right now for just $0.00 and often ships in a single day.

While finding for Lowest Price you could just not purchase Folgers Gourmet Coffee,. Where to buy the Top Deal is easy when purchasing from internet. Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee, Morning Cafe Ground Coffee, 11-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3) which you might desire here on this page. We can give suggestion you to make easy decision to Lowest Price product model. There is no other place than online store where you may achieve your wanted Folgers Gourmet Coffee, at best price when you find for this item over web. This particular item delivered for no charge with Super Saver Shipping. Buy The Best Price Folgers Gourmet Coffee, From This Blog.

Order Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee, Morning Cafe Ground Coffee, 11-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3) best deal. Best deal is presented for you on Folgers Gourmet Coffee, at Lowest prices. Find for best prices.

Item Description

Folgers Gourmet Selections Coffee, Morning Cafe Ground Coffee is light bodied with a clean finish and a delicate bright taste and aroma.


  • Pack of three 11-ounce bags (33 total ounces)
  • Light-bodied with a clean finish and a delicate bright taste and aroma
  • Awaken your senses - get a taste of gourmet every day
  • Light roast
  • Uses 100% Arabica beans

User Opinions

Excellent Coffee
Deb in Las Vegas

I purchased this when it was on sale and was not expecting it to be that good. Folgers coffee has never been my favorite. Boy was I surprised! It was excellent. Smooth not too strong. Did not have that typical bitter, acidic aftertaste that I usually get from most store bought coffee. I would definitely buy this coffee again.

GREAT Coffee!!!!

I was so happy to find that Amazon had this product. I had been purchasing it at a local grocery store and retail store for my husband, but both of these businesses stop carrying it. I ordered my first 3 pack box and am thrilled with the freshness and the quickness of my order. My husband is driving his favorite coffee again and I hope I can continue to purchase this product through you for a long time. Very satisfied.

So Convenient!
M. Fanning

My husband and I enjoy this brand of coffee and offered it on their grocery site. The coffee came within 2 days and I didn't have to go to the grocery store! (one of my pet peves). The cost was essentially the same as the local grocery store price, plus I am a member of Amazon Prime & the shipping was free! I will definetly order again.

Rating: 4.8 5 reviews

Tags: Folgers Gourmet Coffee,, Gourmet Selections Coffee,, Folgers Selections Coffee,, Folgers Gourmet Selections

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